[TYPO3] Problem Uploading Extension

Andreas Burg typo3 at andreasburg.de
Thu Jul 31 03:06:27 CEST 2008

Lee M. Childress schrieb:
> I added $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['setMemoryLimit'] = '64';  to localconf.php
> but the error persists.
> I have the ability to upload the file to the server, but I do not see in the
> Extension Manager how to import from the local server. Likewise, do not know
> how to upload the extension into the repository.

Hello Lee,

sorry I was fault, I remembered I might have installed an extension out of the fileadmin folder. But 
now I can't find it either.

NO! Don't upload an extension to the repository, unless you know what you're doing.

I've just tried to import mm_forum and it works for me. (I did not install it).

Please try following. In the EM go to the menu-point "import extension", click on button 
"retrieve/update", in the input-field "List or look up all extensions" type in "mm_forum", click on 
"Look up", now you see a row with "mm_forum  	mm_forum  	0.1.6  	0.1.6  	Local  	146431/2131 
Beta", click on the first text "mm_forum", it's a link, a new page opens, in the dropdown choose 
"local" click on button "import/update", a new page opens, click on the install button.

Go on.

Hope it works. I do not install it, cause I don't need it yet.

good luck


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