[TYPO3] Exclude page not working in vge_tagcloud

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Mon Jul 21 14:44:47 CEST 2008


I use vge_tagcloud with pages.keywords and tt_news.keywords as 
references. The result lists are displayed by two FE plugins 
(vgetagcloud_pi2 and tt_news SEARCH).
Most things work fine, except for the tt_news sysfolder (the one 
containing news items) being listed as a page result in vgetagcloud_pi2.
My aim is to filter the page uid (here: 123) of this sysfolder from 
tag_pages, but most of my attempts seemed not to be smart enough ;-)
Maybe you have an idea.

Both the exclude.pages.doktype filter and the reference.where condition 
do not work.

This is my TS setup:

lib.tagcloud < plugin.tx_vgetagcloud_pi1
lib.tagcloud {
   startPage.data = leveluid: 0
   recursive = 3
   splitChar = ,
   exclude.pages.doktype = 254
   references {
     1 {
       table = pages
       fields = keywords
       where = uid != 123
     2 {
       table = tt_news
       fields = keywords

   tagWrap {
     typolink {
       parameter.data = field:tag_link
       additionalParams.dataWrap = 
       additionalParams.data = field:tag_keyword
       additionalParams.wrap = &tx_ttnews[swords]=|
       useCashHache = 1

My workaround atm is to use the processTagData hook to remove the 
sysfolder uid from $data['tag_pages'], but this is not very satisfying 
to me.


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