[TYPO3] Frontend User Registration / Localization
lists at globalhealingcircle.net
Sun Jul 20 09:15:18 CEST 2008
Hello Lee,
> But yet my Frontend User Registration insists on using German settings for
> zones and countries. Where do I set the language to English?
You have to set this in the Constant Editor for Static Info Tables (so
not fe user register).
> (2) Lastly, for screen output as well as e-mail that is sent out to new
> registrants, I get the extension code field in place of the site name in
> certain spots. Here is an example taken from an e-mail sent when I
> registered.
> Thank you for registering with Confirmation.
> Shouldn't "Confirmation" be my site name? Site name is configured because
> it appears at the end of my letters.
The extension does not use the Site name in these places but the title
of the pid containing the frontend user records created by the extension.
In other words: I asume you're saving you registration records in a page
which is called Confirmation?
I had similar problems, but got this info from other list members and it
helped me to solve this.
webmaster Global Healing Circle
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