[TYPO3] Workspaces and access permissions

Damiano Morosi damiano.morosi at atac.roma.it
Wed Jul 16 11:37:15 CEST 2008


I've set a workspace in which there is a loginbox. The login works, but 
every setting I try to make on access permissions (e.g. enabling a 
particular group only to view a page, or hide a page at login) has no 
effect. I'm using Typo3 4.1.7. Do you know if this is a limitation of 
workspaces, or I'm missing something?


Dott. Damiano Morosi
Atac S.p.A. - Agenzia per la Mobilità del Comune di Roma
Direzione Sistemi - Area Centrale della Mobilità
Sviluppo funzioni sistemiche della Centrale
00157 Roma - Via Ostiense, 131/L
Tel.:  (+39) 0646959361
Mail:  damiano.morosi at atac.roma.it
Skype: damiano.morosi
Web:   http://www.atac.roma.it

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