[TYPO3] tt_news menu and filtered news...I cannot make it work!!!
mingusthecat at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 12:36:16 CEST 2008
Hi ,
I'm using tt_news for the first time and I'm having some trouble to
manage filtered views of the news.
I'm using Tv and I have mapped a leftMenu in order to display a menu
with a list of categories. This is working.
Now I would like to display in the page id=131 a list of filtered news
based on the item selected in the above menu.
I have created a couple of news and assigned them to their category
This seems easy but somehow I cannot display in my content page the list
of news selected through the above menu.
Do I miss something?
Here it is my ts:
lib.leftMenu.table = tt_news_cat
lib.leftMenu.wrap = <ul id="LeftNavBar">|</ul>
lib.leftMenu.select {
pidInList = 89
orderBy = uid
lib.leftMenu.renderObj = COA
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.10 = TEXT
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.10.field = uid
[globalVar = GP:cat = uid]
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.10.wrap = <li class="selected"><a
href="?id=131&cat= | ">
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.10.wrap = <li><a href="?id=131&cat= | ">
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.20 = TEXT
lib.leftMenu.renderObj.20 {
field = title
wrap = | </a></li>
Thank you for your help!
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