[TYPO3] TYPO3 and JS/AJAX Frameworks
tmsnyder at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 3 12:04:01 CEST 2008
Hi all,
I think its time to discuss the usage of ajax in TYPO3.
In my opinion I would like the TYPO3 Assoc./T3 Dev TEam to make a descicion
for one good / convenient / proven / big company used JS/AJAX framework like
jQuery (jquery.com), and then everybody must use this framework in TYPO3 to
prevent extension incompatibilities.
Like the guys from drupal. To prevent ajax confusion they made a onetime
decision for jQuery. So as of now there will be no ajax incompatibiliteies
or probs with ajax frameworks anymore...
As of now there are bunge of extensions which so much different js/ajax
frameworks (xajax/prototype/scriptaculous, mootools .... etc. etc. ...)
So there is so much compatibility problems and bugs when using diferent
extension together -> this is a _big_ problem!
I would like to take up the cudgels for jQuery.
There are many, and more pros than cons for this js framework, compared to
other OpenSource JS/Ajax frameworks.
- write less, do more
- lightweight
- CSS1-3 and Xpath compatible
- very good and much documentation (like TYPO3) =)
- cross browser compat. (IE6+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2+, Opera9+) and more...
- many good plugins available for jQuery (1000+, onethousand plus)
- many howtos and tutorials available
- simply one of the best JS/Ajax Frameworks I have ever worked with. (Yes,
I already tried, prototype, scriptaculous, backbase, rico, mootools, now I
am tired of trying other ones, because I already found my choice ... )
The most plus for this framework is that MANY big
companies(http://docs.jquery.com/Sites_Using_jQuery) are using it, which
means jQuery is proven to be nearly bug free, convenient - it just works and
is easy to use, what you can not say from other javascript/Ajax Frameworks.
So many big and small companies can't be wrong!
No this is NO advertisement, it is jus an experience matter published for
So, may the community discuss this matter!
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