[TYPO3] Mootools JavaScript for netcraft ratings

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Fri Feb 29 15:58:57 CET 2008


Christopher Schnell wrote:
> with the mootools manual back online, it was pretty easy to rewrite the 
> js for use with mootools.
> Since I am no mootools expert, I didn't do all the t3mootools stuff 
> (maybe georg can help out :-) ) and only enclose the js-fragment here.
> Would really be cool, if ratings would be able to be run both with 
> prototype and mootools.

I think I will make JS file name configurable and make another JS file specially for mootools using the code below.

> The JS Code for Mootools:
> ----------
> var myAjax = new Ajax("index.php?eID=tx_ratings_ajax", {
>         method: 'post',
>         data: 'ref=' + id + '&rating=' + rating + '&data=' + ajaxData + 
> '&check=' + check,
>         update: 'tx-ratings-' + id
>     });
> myAjax.request();
> ----------

Resent to myself to take care of it.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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