[TYPO3] CoolURI and ve_guestbook
Matthias Gottschalk
matthias at gottschalks.eu
Tue Feb 19 21:35:23 CET 2008
Jan Bednarik schrieb:
> > But Could you please help me by the Problem?
> Next time - it's CoolUri not Cool URI ;) The difference is, that I've
> got filter in Thunderbird, that shows me all messages with CoolURI in
> subject, but not Cool URI. That's why I couldn't replay.
> I suppose, that page number is preserved in URLs, then the problem is
> with caching. There's a section in the manual about it. The situation
> here is the same as with tt_news.
> You can
> 1) set ve_guestbook as USER_INT
> 2) move cHash from predefinedparts to uriparts
> 3) disable caching on the whole page
> Regards
Hello Jan,
thank you for your anwser!
I had this Problem with Cal Ext. too, Frank Hütter give`s me his XML
File with integration in CoolURI ;-) !
I´m not a specialist with XML an a Newbie of Typo3, I am a Programmer
for C# an C++! :'(
Can you Help me or others with the changes in my XML File?
Then i `will post this File for all other Users!
That would be great !!!
Have You Questions about C you can contact me!
Thank You
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<status>HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found</status>
<behavior type="message"><![CDATA[ <h1>Page not found!</h1>
<additionalWhere><![CDATA[ AND is_siteroot<>1 ]]></additionalWhere>
<allparamconstraints> <!-- constraint -->
<to>SELECT title FROM tt_news WHERE uid=$1</to>
<to>SELECT subject FROM tx_eeblog_maintable WHERE uid=$1</to>
<to>SELECT title FROM tx_cal_category WHERE uid=$1</to>
<to>SELECT title FROM tx_cal_event WHERE uid=$1</to>
<value key="">0</value>
<value key="en">1</value>
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