[TYPO3] search tables
Ilaria De Marinis
ilaria.demarinis at caspur.it
Tue Feb 19 14:48:17 CET 2008
Hi list,
I have to configure tx_fesearchintable_pi1
I need to search for example in tt_content table.
So I begun to define main parameters fot this extension but I don't
receive any results
plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1 {
form = FORM
form.dataArray {
10.label.data = LLL:EXT:fesearchintable/pi1/locallang.php:label.search
10.label.wrap = |:
10.type = sword=input,30
20.type = submit=submit
20.value.data = LLL:EXT:fesearchintable/pi1/locallang.php:label.search
form.type = {$plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1.resultsPID}
form.locationData = 1
form.layout = <td>###LABEL###</td><td> ###FIELD###</td>
form.labelWrap.wrap = <strong>|</strong>
form.stdWrap.wrap = <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
form.wrapFieldName = tx_fesearchintable_pi1[|]
plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1 {
searchTables {
tt_content = 1
tt_content.name = CONTENTS
tt_content.fields = bodytext
I am following this guideline
Could you please help me?
Thank you very much
Ilaria De Marinis
Settore Automazione Biblioteche
Phone: +3906-44486052
CASPUR - Via dei Tizii ,6 - 00185 Roma
e-mail: ilaria.demarinis at caspur.it
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