[TYPO3] rggooglemaps and tt_news

Rafael Freuler rafi at mitherz.ch
Thu Feb 14 04:31:06 CET 2008


I installed and configured rggooglemaps and it works fine. However, I
would like to use tt_news instead of tt_address.
On http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/EXT_rggooglemap it says: "By
default rggooglemap works with tt_address but it can work with every
table you want to (more later)."

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this to work?

I enabled the table tt_news in the extension manager but now I am
completely at loss what to do next. I'd me more than happy to update
http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/EXT_rggooglemap once I know how it

Many thanks in advance,

Rafael Freuler
Skype: rafael.freuler

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