[TYPO3-english] WT directeory - detail page - and metadata (SEO) - My solution

Jogvan Olsen jo at atlanticvideo.dk
Tue Dec 23 11:28:44 CET 2008

HI again

I found a solution on my problem – I use the extension ’SEO dynamic tag 
(seo_dynamic_tag)’ to set metadata on my detailview page.

Install ’SEO dynamic tag (seo_dynamic_tag)’
And insert this in TS setup:

temp.seo = COA
temp.seo {
   1000 < plugin.tx_seodynamictag_pi1
   1000 {
     # Example for the page title
     special = title
     query {
       select =CONCAT(company,' :: ', email)
       from  = tt_address
       where = uid = $1 && deleted = 0 && hidden = 0
       var.1 = tx_wtdirectory_pi1[show]
   2000 < plugin.tx_seodynamictag_pi1
   2000 {
     # Example for a meta tag
     special = register
     register = description
     query {
       select = company
       from  = tt_address
       where  = uid = $1 && deleted = 0 && hidden = 0
       var.1 = tx_wtdirectory_pi1[show]
       maxLength = 200
   3000 < plugin.tx_seodynamictag_pi1
   3000 {
     # Example for a meta tag
     special = register
     register = keywords
     query {
       select = CONCAT(description, ' ', address)
       from  = tt_address
       where  = uid = $1 && deleted = 0 && hidden = 0
       var.1 = tx_wtdirectory_pi1[show]
     keywords = 1
     keywords {
       amount        = 10
       minLength     = 8
page.meta.description.data = register:description
page.meta.keywords.data = register:keywords

Jogvan Olsen

Jogvan Olsen skrev:
> Hi
> I wish to be able to edit metadata (page title, keywords and 
> description) individually for each address on the detailview page.
> I am planning to use some of the existing fields form tt_address (or 
> adding some new fields to the table) for the meta data, but I can’t 
> figure out how to get the data from the tt_address table into metadata.
> I have tried some like this, but it is not working:
> TS Setup:
> page.meta.keywords=DB:tx_ttaddress:{GPvar:uid}:name
> Can anybody tell me how to read the data from the tt_address table and 
> put it into metadata?
> Or is there another better way to do this?
> Thanks in advance
> Jogvan Olsen

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