[TYPO3-english] Is there a condition to check the OS of the server?
Christopher at temporaryforwarding.com
Wed Dec 17 19:50:21 CET 2008
Hi Dmitry,
"Dmitry Dulepov" <dmitry at typo3.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1229533713.16114.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi!
> Christopher wrote:
>> That is not what the docs say:
>> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/4.2.0/view/1/4/#id4149527
>> This document has not been changed for quite some time. If it is wrong,
>> why
>> hasn't it been corrected?
> Because no one pays for this work and everyone from the TYPO3 team works
> for free. So it is pure voluntary work.
That is an argument.
I thought the association would support the core development (and also its
docs) financially...
To come back to the problem: The docs are correct by saying that it ONLY
works correctly, if the code is directly(!) written in localconf.php.
Adding the code using include/require(_once)() in localconf only works when
calling the page for the very first time.
After that, the condition does no longer work correctly.
Same with adding the code or an include/require(_once)() to extTables.php.
Using includeLibs in Typoscript does not work correctly either (although
people think it would).
So writing it in localconf is the only way to get it work.
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