[TYPO3-english] Automatic adding of extension to page [SOLVED]
Gijs Epping [eFocus]
gijs.epping at efocus.nl
Mon Dec 8 13:49:11 CET 2008
Gijs Epping [eFocus] schreef:
> Gijs Epping [eFocus] schreef:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a extension or a tutorial that describes how to automaticly
>> add a extension to a newly created page.
>> The idea is the user has a allready configured page when he starts.
>> Kind Regards Gijs
> Already found out how, i just added an
> processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations hook and checked for the current pid
> It looks like this:
> function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations($status, $table, $id,
> $fieldArray, &$reference)
> {
> $pid = $reference->getPID($table, $id);
> if($table=='pages' && $status=='update' && $pid=49){
> $fieldArray2 = array();
> $fieldArray2['header'] = 'Newletter'.date('d-m-Y');
> $fieldArray2['pid'] = $id;
> $fieldArray2['CType'] = 'list';
> $fieldArray2['cruser_id'] = 1;
> $fieldArray2['tstamp'] = time();
> $fieldArray2['crdate'] = time();
> $fieldArray2['list_type'] = 'pluginname_pi1';
> $fieldArray2['sectionIndex'] = 1;
> $fieldArray2['filelink_size'] = 1;
> $fieldArray2['sorting'] = 256;
> $reference->insertDB('tt_content',null,$fieldArray2);
> }
> }
> more information about hooks
> http://typo3.org/development/articles/how-to-use-existing-hooks/
E: gijs.epping at efocus.nl
W: http://www.efocus.nl/
W: http://www.gijs.com/
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