[TYPO3] tt_news and wec_knowledgebase: starting point not working
lists at globalhealingcircle.net
Wed Apr 30 10:42:47 CEST 2008
An addition. I removed both tt_new and the knowledgebase completely,
including the database tables. Then I reinstalled tt_news and added the
plugin on two pages with seperate sysfolders and startingpoints. But
both plugin keep showing eachothers records and categories.
Setting pid_list in the constant editor doesn't help either. (Seperate
for both pages as I use two extension templates at the moment.)
webmaster globalhealingcircle.net
Walrick wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed the latest versions of both tt_news and
> wec_knowledgebase (on seperate pages) in a Typo3 4.1.6 installation.
> Each page has it's own subpage (sysfolder) with records and the plugins
> have their Starting Points set to their respective sysfolder.
> However: on both the news page and the knowledge base (KB) page (FE), I
> see all the records from both sysfolders. So the news plugin shows
> records from both the news and the KB sysfolder, as does the KB plugin.
> Also when I assign categories to the news items and set the plugin to
> show only the records from specific categories, then no records are
> displayed at all.
> Btw, the categories are in the KB sysfolder. But the news records in the
> tt_news sysfolder have these categories available as well. It looks like
> the Starting Point setting is ignored and both plugins look for news
> records all over the pagetree. Allthough this doesn't explain why no
> records are shown at all if I select a specific category to show.
> If I uninstall KB, but leave it's sysfolder intact. The tt_news plugin
> still shows all the records from both sysfolders.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Walrick
> webmaster globalhealingcircle.net
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