[TYPO3] TypoScript copy operator for "variables"/"properties"?
Dmitry Dulepov [typo3]
dmitry at typo3.org
Tue Apr 29 18:57:10 CEST 2008
Niels Fröhling wrote:
> Is there a "standard" recommendation to create the effect of
> property-copying in typoscript like this?:
> socialthing {
> british = tea
> ostfriesisch < british
> }
ostfriesisch < .british
> I know this doesn't work because (I assume) "british" isn't actually an
> object like:
> socialthing {
> british = TEXT
> british.value = tea
> ostfriesisch < british
> }
Same as above.
> The problem is, that I basically create very huge "lists" of typoscript
> "variables", of those several should
> just contain copies of others (because they are the same, but may become
> "specialized" later).
> As the "lists" contains a lot of distinct entries as well as very big
> contents, the typoscript becomes
> absolutely unmaintainable if I would copy by myself:
> socialthing {
> british = tea ...
> ostfriesisch = tea ...
> indian = tea ...
> australian = tea ...
> ...
> }
> Maybe it would be nice to actually define real lists (like CSS):
> # "object"
> socialthing {
> # "list", multiline content
> british, ostfriesisch, indian, australian (
> tea
> )
> # "list", multiline content
> austrian, elsalvadorian (
> coffee
> )
> }
Not possible as list but possible with copy operator.
Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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