[TYPO3] Another TypoScript problem/question

Stephen Bungert s.bungert at metrinomics.de
Tue Apr 22 10:43:05 CEST 2008

I have a GMENU with all the pages in a directroy. When one of the menu items
is clicked on, the menu should change. To show a link to the home page (I've
done this), and a link to the current page (with link disabled). It's
reuired tob e a GMENU for visual consistency (the designer used shadows and

So I want to try and make a GMENU of the current Page only.

This is what I have

temp.nsnBar1 = HMENU

temp.nsnBar1.special = directory
temp.nsnBar1.special.value = 153
temp.nsnBar1.maxItems = 1

temp.nsnBar1.1 = GMENU

temp.nsnBar1.1 {
  wrap = <table class="nsnBarButtons" {$tbAtts}><tbody>|</tbody></table>
  useLargestItemX = 1
  useLargestItemY = 1
  NO {
    wrap = <tr><td height="{$tdHei}" width="{$tdWid}">|</td></tr>
    XY = 220,30
    format = gif
    backColor = #FFD57A
    maxWidth = 220
    ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title
    4 = IMAGE
    4.file = fileadmin/templates/nsnportal/images/nsn_fade_large_bg.gif
    4.tile = 3,1
    10 = SHADOW
    10.offset = 1,1
    10.color = #ffffff
    10.textObjNum = 20
    20 = TEXT
    20.text.field = subtitle // title
    20.offset = 5,20
    20.align = left
    20.niceText = 1
    20.fontColor = #662D91
    20.fontSize = 10
  NO.noLink = 1

I need 20.text.field tob equal the he current page Title, It doesn't matter
what the first page is in directory with PID 153, because I must override
the 20.text.field with the current pages title. But I don't know how. I've
tried for ages.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de] Im Auftrag von Dmitry
Dulepov [typo3]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. April 2008 10:34
An: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
Betreff: Re: [TYPO3] Another TypoScript problem/question

Stephen Bungert wrote:
> So, is there no way of making a gmenu with just the current page in the
> menu? Using the pages title as the text of the menu item?

Menu fetches page title automatically. Can't understand why do you need to
do it yourself.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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