[TYPO3] Is DAM worth its use or is it dead?

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Tue Apr 15 09:31:40 CEST 2008


> Where may I find names? Because TER always refers to René Fritz as
> author and as such it's not easy to find out who to contact in case of
> very specific questions. For instance, in my case I would like to  
> get a
> better documentation for dam_indexing:
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/ 
> dam_index/1.0.4/view/toc/0/
> I may take time and understand why it does not work on my server and
> then enhance the official documentation but how should I do it if the
> "author" is not here anymore? Does it mean nobody is entitled to  
> update
> the extension? Who may I take contact with to actually contribute?

The entry point is really the DAM mailing list. I'm sure if you offer  
some help the DAM team is bound to notice :-)


François Suter

Cobweb Development Sàrl

Rue Eugène-Marziano 15, CH-1227 Les Acacias (Geneva - Switzerland)
T: +41 22 880 00 93, F: +41 22 880 00 94, E: support at cobweb.ch
web solutions for professionnal requirements

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