[TYPO3] Translated pages use media field from default language
Marieke Vandamme
marieke.vandamme at tvh.be
Mon Apr 7 10:58:49 CEST 2008
My CMS system is translated in 2 other languages then the default.
For the default language, I selected a file to be shown in my menu (with
the before cObject).
When looking in the database, this is filled into the field "pages.media".
For the other languages, I needed to assign the same image. This is filled
into the field "pages_language_overlay.media".
Is there any way to use the data from the "pages.media" field for the
other languages?
Because the image is the same for all the languages, I find it overhead to
save the same image 3 times in /uploads/media.
My code for printing the image
before.cObject = IMAGE
before.cObject.file.import = uploads/media/
before.cObject.file.import.field = media
before.cObject.file.import.listNum = 0
Thanks for the help! Marie.
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