[TYPO3] General Options on the Database

Fred hamel at urbansecurity.org
Tue Sep 25 14:42:09 CEST 2007

Thanks for the fast answer.
You were quite right : that's "fe_group", I must open my eyes.
But my problem is still the same : I can't see anything in my database 
whereas I'm in the good table and on the good field. fe_group is empty.
For the TCAdefaults I keep looking for the good option.

Tapio Markula a écrit :
> Fred kirjoitti:
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem : I have to set the content of some sub-pages to 
>> "General Options --> UserGroupA".
>> I wanted to use MySQL but I can't find where in the database are the 
>> Gerneral Options. I found them for the pages but not in the tt_content.
> should be (starttime, endtime, fe_users, hidden)
>> My other problem : I want my users to create a content with this 
>> General Options set by default, do you have any clue ?
> TCAdefaults..... into TS config for pages.

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