[TYPO3] OT: "Real" names

ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Sat Sep 22 22:17:06 CEST 2007

hey Christopher,

I support what you are saying here...

I brought it up already one or two times, but......

Also, In fact real names are suggested, not requested
and not even close to required....

Also note,
With some times 60-80 users (not all active)
in the #typo3 channel on freenode.. not many uses there real names,
still we do run a very friendly and mostly of all
help-full community over there!! A real name really doesn't change  
that fact...

kind regards,
Ries van Twisk

> Hi,
> On 9/22/07, Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] <dmitry at typo3.org> wrote:
>> Sorry, can't help you anymore. If you do not respect mailing list  
>> rules (no full name in message), you do not respect me in  
>> particular. No help than.
> Dmitry please stop this.
> If you want to talk about respect, you have earned a great deal of
> respect for all the work you do on the core, in your extensions, and
> on these lists. The community definitely benefits in a big way from
> your presence, knowledge and energy. But this fanatical insistence of
> yours that mailing list participants provide their full names as a
> condition of their participation here is nonsensical, irrelevant, and
> counterproductive.
> There is NO lack of respect exhibited towards you or anyone else by a
> person who chooses not to reveal his or her name to a group of people
> who are, at the outset at least, strangers, or who chooses not to have
> his or her name permanently recorded in an archive over which s/he has
> no control. There are sometimes very, very good reasons for doing
> this, and NONE of these reasons has anything whatsoever to do with
> YOU. It is, in fact, none of your business how anybody chooses to
> identify themselves in non-private communications with you. What's
> more, the list rules do NOT ask for full names in messages, they ask
> for REAL names. "Christopher" Is definitely my real name, even if I
> don't provide you with my surname and/or middle name(s) (if any).
> In my opinion, it is far more disrespectful of you to demand more
> personal information from mailing list participants than they are
> comfortable revealing than it is for a participant to provide a
> limited amount of personal information. Would you say, for example,
> that it should be a condition of participation in this list for every
> participant to reveal not only their full names, but also their places
> of employment, their home addresses and the names and vital statistics
> of their immediate family members? Because, for persons with names
> less common than 'Smith', this is exactly what you may be insisting
> upon by demanding to know their real names.
> If you won't help people who won't give their names then so be it--but
> let's be very clear: your refusal to do so *for this reason* looks
> juvenile and petty. All the more so since you have absolutely no means
> of verifying that the 'real' name given is actually real.
> Real names are requested in the list rules*, but posts like this one
> of yours fly completely in the face of the statement that "we're a
> friendly list". Feel free to completely ignore threads where no real
> name is given, but please stop insisting that this poorly considered
> "rule"--which, after all, is worded as a polite request--be treated as
> an absolute requirement.
> -- 
> Christopher Torgalson
> http://www.typo3apprentice.com/
> * "Names - please use your real name - we're a friendly list that
> likes to know whom we're talking!"

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