[TYPO3] TV concept: default templates (DS/TO) RESOLVED PARTLY

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Thu May 31 07:30:48 CEST 2007

Hi again,

to not let this part of the thread totally unresolved (for the archive
readers): I made the "mistake" to use the security reviewed version of
TV (1.1.1 at time of writing) delivered with the current TYPO3
installation (4.1.1).

So I _have_ to apologize, the failure was on my side (as I expected).

When one upgrades to the current version of TV (1.3.1 at time of
writing) the "<displayHeaderFields>" feature works as expected and shows
the content of the configured fields.

Also note this undocumented feature:

If you click _anywhere_ (labels, existing content) in the shown header
preview, then the "Edit page properties" form is called ... but
restricted to just the fields shown in the header configured by
"<displayHeaderFields>" and in the same order as configured!!!

Thus this is a nice and easy way to have the page properties form
_customized_ to editors needs.

Please see

config in the XML DS:


the resulting view (in TV 1.3.1):


and the reduced/reordered form resulting from that:


However, the "<titleBarColor>" feature obviously got lost somewhere in
the process of upgrading/bugfixing TV, without notice:

there is no "titleBarColor" string (in the documented sense) anywhere
in the sources of TV 1.3.1 ... except for the Changelog.txt

2004-06-17  Robert Lemke  <robert at typo3.org>

  * Bugfix: headerfields, titlebarcolor etc. didn't work with inherited 
datastructures. Now they do.
  * New hook in pi1: renderElement_preProcessRow
  * Prepared some things about multi language support. Don't use it yet!
  * Guess what: Updated manual


2004-06-04  Robert Lemke  <robert at typo3.org>

	* Added new tag for data structures: <titleBarColor> (configures page 
	* Updated manual

Take or ignore this from some lazy idiot

Georg Rehfeld wrote:
> ...
> According to the TV (TemplaVoila) documentation at
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/templavoila/1.3.1/view/1/5/
> section "1.5. <T3DataStructure> extensions" near the end (just search
> for "<titleBarColor>" in your browser)
> it shall be possible to color encode some header depending on the DS in
> use.
> Though this is very far from what I would wanna have in the first place
> I tried that, as it would have been be more than nothing.
> It turned out, that just setting <titleBarColor>#123456</titleBarColor>
> as documented on it's own did nothing at all.
> But if you just scroll up a little bit in the mentioned doc/section and
> read the <displayHeaderFields> entry and then follow that, as documented
> AND additionally use the <titleBarColor> thingy, one could at least get
> _some_ result in the backend ... though not the promised results, except
> for a newly enabled TV tab (which wasn't even mentioned clearly in the
> docs).
> Here are screenshots of what I tried:
>    http://georg-rehfeld.de/test/typo3/ds_to_probs_01.jpg
> There I followed the TV docs as close as possible, didn't I?
>    http://georg-rehfeld.de/test/typo3/ds_to_probs_02.jpg
> That's the result of the modification: a new (useless) tab, no header
> field contents, no color encoding.
> Hey, am I stupid guys? I'm not, for sure! But, as usual: I'm looking for
> errors on my side first, so please, point me to the place, where I did
> something wrong, and I will apologize.
> But I (still) believe: the TV docs are (at least) totally outdated,
> to be polite.
> TV is a good new concept (I use it for ALL of my TYPO3 sites), but it
> MUST be documented _understandable_ and (mainly) with admins in mind.
> The best software renders almost useless, if it is not well documented
> (unless it is self explanatory by using it, which is partly true for the
> mapping interface, but all the rest of it _has_ to be documented).

regards, the idiot
   ___   ___
  | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
  |_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

               (Delete .nospam from mail address)

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