[TYPO3] Changed page title not available in stdWrap.data

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Tue May 1 17:07:27 CEST 2007

Hi all,

In an extension I am trying to change the page title using a syntax I  
found in the tt_news extension:

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['title'] = 'List of organisations';

In my pages, I have also the following TS:

lib.cw_breadcrumb = COA
lib.cw_breadcrumb {
	10 = HMENU
	20 = TEXT
	20.data = page:title

The TS output uses the original page title and not the one modified  
by my script. I also notice that the title appearing in the window is  
not changed either. It seems that just trying to change the value of  
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['title'] is not enough. What am I missing?

Thanks for any clue.

François Suter
Directeur technique
Cobweb Development Sàrl

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