[TYPO3] level2 pages not working in firefox. ?

Asbjørn Morell atmorell at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 20:50:30 CET 2007


When I try to access my typo3 homepage in firefox (2.0.2) I can't navigate 
to level 2. The first level displays fine, but if I try any of my sub pages 
firefox hangs for about 20 seconds - and then display the page without css. 
I tried to disable realurl but that did no do any difference. (same problem) 
I get this error in UrlTool:

koerselsforbud/typo3temp/javascript_ebd9c81938.js  Segment "typo3temp" was 
not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected!  Mon 12 Mar 2007 19:46:15
koerselsforbud/fileadmin/templates/stjernqvist/stjernqvist.css  Segment 
"fileadmin" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected!  Mon 12 Mar 2007 

What really confuses me is that everything works perfect in IE.

Any ideas?


Best regards.
Asbjørn Morell. 

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