[TYPO3] printer friendly customizations ignored...
Giannis Economou
gecon at di.uoa.gr
Sun Mar 11 13:30:10 CET 2007
I fixed the problems, I post something to clarify this, it might be
helpful for someone in the future....
Giannis Economou wrote:
> Hello,
> ....
> I'm using the "Make Print Link" extension. I tried to include the static
> template plugin.alt.print on page hosting the code and/or on my base
> template.
> Here is the TS:
> temp.printpage = TEXT
> temp.printpage {
> value = print
> include_post_vars = 1
> target = _blank
> popup = 1
> windowparams =
> (resizable=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=700,height=500)
> windowname = Print
> postUserFunc = tx_make_printlink
> }
> page.20.subparts.pageActions < temp.printpage
The above should be:
temp.printpage = TEXT
temp.printpage {
value = print
postUserFunc = tx_make_printlink
temp.printpage.postUserFunc {
value = print
include_post_vars = 1
target = _blank
popup = 1
windowname = Print
> plugin.alt.print.file.template =
> fileadmin/templates/site_tmpl/printversion_gr.tmpl
> plugin.alt.print.file.stylesheet = fileadmin/templates/site_tmpl/print.css
These were fine.
> - Also, the CSS is never used, regardless where I put the TS.
I used "Template Analyzer" and "TS Object Browser" and clarified this.
Had to do with the fact that some default values where defined in
constants among the template hierarchy.
> - Also the pop-up that should be in use (temp.printpage.popup=1) is
> never fired.
The wrong TS was responsible for this.
Still newbie, but learning fast!
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