[TYPO3] Can tt_news have different installation configurations for different sites?

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Fri Mar 9 21:05:57 CET 2007


Typo3 V4.0.4
tt_news 2.4.0

We run multiple sites on one typo3 installation (one page tree, one
database).  In extension manager, tt_news has a installation option 'Use
General Record Storage Page' (useStoragePid).  If I enable or disable it
in EM, the change will affect all the sites.  Can I just enable
'useStoragePid' for selected sites?  I don't see  'useStoragePid' under
plugin.tt_news in typo3 object browser.  How can it be set in typoscript
extension template?

Thanks in advance,


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