Christopher Torgalson
bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 22:41:41 CET 2007
On 3/6/07, Gunter, Judith <JudithGunter at creighton.edu> wrote:
> If one creates a pages in Photoshop using slices, and wants that page to
> end up in typo3, what kind of problems is one most likely to face with
> this approach. The page I created has about 300 slices.
Honestly, I don't think your approach will cause any problems in TYPO3
that you won't encounter no matter how you proceed: TYPO3 can cope
with about any template you dream up.
Having said that, for the sake of your sanity and for your users, I'd
advise you to update your coding methods. ~300 slices (in layout
tables, yes?) will be an absolute nightmare to build, and a
never-ending hell on earth to maintain.
It will also be very slow to load and render - even if the average
image size is only .25k, you'll have 75k in /images alone/, without
even considering the number and/or complexity of tables that will be
required to position 300 images. Presumably there'll also need to be
content in your pages. ;-)
Just by way of comparison, on a site of mine that I just checked into,
a single page of content, plus html, plus images, plus stylesheets,
scripts and all associated files is under 90k...
Christopher Torgalson
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