[TYPO3] does every image gallery require imagemagick?

robin niemeyer robin.niemeyer at gmx.net
Tue Mar 6 16:07:45 CET 2007

Not necessarily, as long as they implement their own routines for 
scaling images down to thumbnails and as long as those routines are 
based on PHP's gdlib functions, which isn't very likely, so yes, I would 
say they all depend on ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick.

Without IM/GM you can't use most of Typo3's image features like creating 
GMENU's and such - but if you don't need them, but need an image gallery 
you sure could implement one by yourself using gdlib.

However, it's more convenient to just install either ImageMagick or 
GraphicsMagick by yourself or your ISP.

Hope this helps,

Stanislav Rusnak schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I`m wondering if every gallery plugin requires imagemagick installed on 
> server for proper functionality.
> Best regards
> Stanislav Rusnak
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