[TYPO3] how to actually work with typo3?

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Wed Jun 27 23:35:15 CEST 2007

Hi Tyler, all,

Tyler Kraft wrote:
> ... at the same time - i find TV to be the most restrictive, least 
> flexible, and most annoying way of doing ;- )

TV actually was made to overcome _limitations_ of the older ways of
doing things, so I can't second your opinion, that TV is less flexible
than older methods (but I notice, you seem to not like it :-) , as
Dmitry already said).

To start with: TV has a perfect isolation between designer and TYPO3
coder/admin, the designer just can prepare nice HTML/CSS with sample
content without any need to know TYPO3/TypoScript with the tool, he
prefers. The TV mapping done by the admin on that prepared HTML/CSS is
usually easy as a snap.

And about flexibility: as the designer can prepare _more_ than one HTML/
CSS template and TV can handle that, the flexibility for different
designs is unlimited.

And finally, when combined with FCEs (Flexible Content Elements) which
might be just containers (say for a 2 column layout in the #content
area) or elements for a special purpose (say a receipe with image, list
of ingredients and desciption) editors can compose their content very
flexible and intutive.

So, IMHO, TV is _most_ flexible way of doing things.

regards, Georg
   ___   ___
  | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
  |_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

               (Delete .nospam from mail address)

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