[TYPO3] Help with jw_calendar extension

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Wed Jun 27 06:58:55 CEST 2007

Dear David,

> Apology accepted.


> But to be honest, I really don't know -what- your 
> spam message was about.

I totally misinterpreted your message, the Wiki entries, including the
history of them (even wasn't able to grasp, that not _you_ had uploaded
the image, but someone else: that mentioned 'good man'; hadn't a look at
the images upload date and was in a bad mood for some other reason).

If I were able to remove this subthread (as it was possible in the old
days [most of you readers were kids then :-) ] where a cancel message
usually was faster than the original) I would have canceled my original.

But, sigh, my stupid and ignorant behaviour in this thread now is burned
in for ever in the archives, findable by search engines and seen all
over the world. :-(

> In my world it was simply a link to an 
> image of jw_calendar that worked, while my other link was an image
> to my trial website that doesn't work.

And you were perfectly right to do that!

> Anyhow - no harm done.

Thanks again.

I'm so sorry to can't help with that jw_calendar extension, because I
never used it.

best regards, Georg
   ___   ___
  | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
  |_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

               (Delete .nospam from mail address)

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