[TYPO3] Shortcuts: RealUrl, CoolUri or sms_directshortcuts?
Sander van Gelderen
mail at sandervangelderen.nl
Mon Jun 11 13:34:16 CEST 2007
Hi Andreas,
thx for your input! A good nights sleep and a thorough reading of the manual will bring the solution, no doubt.
Will post it here when I have it.
Andreas Becker schreef:
> Hi Sander
> I haven't used sms_shortcut by now but have your ead cooluri - Jans
> Mastersthese.
> http://download.bednarik.org/URITransformer.pdf
> Have a look at pages 19ff. Here are the real potentials described of
> cooluri. Things I am telling in the Tutorial until now are only about 20%
> of it ;-). As I understand it, it is possible to automise the process of
> rewriting with the right exprecions in your xml file. Jan gives a lot of
> examples in his Masters Thesis.
> 7 Configuration
> 7.1 Composing the XML
> Unwanted values – defined in removeparts element,
> Valuemaps – element valuemaps,
> Predefined parts – element predefinedparts,
> Pagepath – element pagepath,
> Other parts – other, but still parts of the URI, element uriparts ,
> Static values – these do not have their own element, but they are part of
> the uriparts element
> 7.2 Whitespace
> xs:token
> 7.3 Datatypes
> There are a few elements defined in the configuration, which are a sort
> of a
> datatype.
> These elements, or elements following rules of a datatype, can be found all
> over the
> configuration.
> 7.4 Boolean datatype
> 7.5 Regexp and SQL datatypes
> 7.6 Constraint datatype
> 7.7 Lookindb datatype
> 7.8 Part datatype
> 7.81 Parameter element
> 7.8.2 Value element
> 7.8.3 Userfunc element
> Sometimes out of all options available none are sufficent. If such thing
> happens, we can
> define our own function. But user functions can be used only when the cache
> is enabled.
> Value of this element is the function's name. If the function is a class
> method, the
> method can be called as classname−>methodname. Two parameters are passed to
> this
> function, first one is the whole XML element, second one is a value of this
> element.
> Userfunc element is used in the Typo3 extension, because of Typo3's
> database
> structure,
> pagepath needs to be looked up in 3 tables22.
> Depending on a location of this element it should return a single value or
> an array of
> values. This will be discussed later.
> function getPageTitle($conf,$value) { ... }
> 7.8.4 After attribute
> 7.9 Root element
> 7.10 Cooluris element
> 7.11 Uri element
> 7.11.1 Var element
> 7.11.2 Part element
> 7.11.3 Example
> Retrieving value from $ SERVER['HTTP HOST'] and $ SERVER['REQUEST URI']
> variables.
> That means, for an example, from a request URI
> http://www.example.com/some/page/ a
> value www.example.com/some/page will be retrieved.
> <uri>
> <var> SERVER</var>
> <part>HTTP HOST</part>
> <part>REQUEST URI</part>
> </uri>
> 7.12 Savetranslationto element
> 7.13 Pathseparators element
> 7.13.1 Separator element
> 7.13.2 Example
> Separating a variable with "." and "/" characters:
> <pathseparators>
> <separator>.</separator>
> <separator>/</separator>
> </pathseparators>
> 7.14 Urlprefix and urlsuffix elements
> 7.15 Removetrailingslash element
> 7.16 Cache element
> 7.16.1 Usecache element
> 7.16.2 Tablesprefix element
> 7.16.3 Cacheparams element
> 7.17 Cool2params subelement
> 7.17.1 Translateifnotfound element
> 7.17.2 Oldlinksvalidfor element
> 7.18 Params2cool subelement
> Element referring to parameters to a CoolURI transformation has only one
> subelement
> so far.
> <xs:element name="params2cool">
> <xs:complexType>
> <xs:all>
> <xs:element name="checkforchangeevery" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
> </ xs:all>
> </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> 7.18.1 Checkforchangeevery element
> 7.19 Pagenotfound subelement
> 7.19.1 Status element
> A value of this element is a HTTP version and a complete status code with
> its definition
> as were defined by WWW Consorcium [10]. However, from all those possible
> status
> variants, only 3 are useful in this situation.
> 301 Moved Permanently – when redirecting,
> 303 See Other – when redirecting,
> 404 Not Found – when sending a message.
> 7.19.2 Behavior element
> 7.19.3 Example
> Sending 404 status code along with a simple message.
> <pagenotfound>
> <status>HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found</status>
> <behavior type="message"><![CDATA[ <h1>Page not found!</h1> ]]></behavior>
> </pagenotfound>
> 7.20 Cache example
> 7.21 Removeparts element
> Parts of a URI that have to be removed before the URI can be translated to
> parameters.
> These parts are listed in subelements part of this element. If something is
> removed, it
> is possible to redirected a request to a URI without the removed parts.
> This
> prevents
> duplicities, but can cause circular redirecting. Therefore the redirect has
> to be allowed
> using the boolean attribute redirect .
> <xs:element name="removeparts">
> <xs:complexType>
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:element ref="part" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
> </xs:sequence>
> <xs:attribute name="redirect" type="boolean" use="optional" />
> </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> 7.21.1 Part element
> 7.21.2 Example
> Removing index.php from a URI.
> <removeparts>
> <part>index.php</part>
> </removeparts>
> 7.22 Valuemaps element
> 7.22.1 Parameter element
> 7.22.2 Value element
> 7.22.3 Example
> Value of a parameter lang is an integer identifier of a selected language.
> But in a URI the
> language should be identified by its standardized code. Zero is a default
> value which is
> not identified in any way.
> <valuemaps>
> <valuemap>
> <parameter>lang</parameter>
> <value key="">0</value>
> <value key="en">1</value>
> <value key="de">2</value>
> <value key="it">3</value>
> </valuemap>
> </valuemaps>
> 7.23 Predefinedparts element
> 7.23.1 Example
> • If a part of a URI is a word hidden, parameter displayhidden is set to 1;
> • Parameter n is set to a number that is prefixed in a URI with page-;
> • Values that begin with page- are looked up in a database table named
> region.
> • A parameter which is thrown away
> <predefinedparts>
> <part key="hidden">
> <parameter>displayhidden</parameter>
> <value>1</value>
> </part>
> <part key="page−([0−9]+)" regexp="1">
> <parameter>n</parameter>
> <value>$1</value>
> </part>
> <part key="region−(.)" regexp="1">
> <parameter>region</parameter>
> <value>$1</value>
> <lookindb>
> <from>SELECT id FROM region WHERE urlname='$1'</from>
> <to>SELECT urlname FROM region WHERE id=$1</to>
> <translatetoif>
> <match>ˆ[0−9]+$</match>
> </ translatetoif >
> </lookindb>
> </part>
> <part>
> <parameter>throwAway</parameter>
> </part>
> </predefinedparts>
> 7.24 Pagepath element
> 7.24.1 SQL query for a pagepath lookup
> 7.24.2 Composing a final value
> 7.24.3 Required element
> 7.24.4 Constraining a pagepath
> 7.24.5 Userfunc element
> 7.24.6 Example
> 7.25 Uriparts element
> 7.25.1 Static attribute
> 7.25.2 Notrequired attribute
> 7.25.3 Pagepath attribute
> 7.25.4 Example
> This example requires cache enabled, for an example on pagepath without
> cache, look at the
> case-studies section.
> Here is a parameter newsId looked up in a database and put into a URI:
> <uriparts>
> <part>
> <parameter>newsId</parameter>
> <lookindb>
> <to>SELECT title FROM news WHERE id=$1</to>
> <translatetoif>
> <match>ˆ[0−9]+$</match>
> </ translatetoif >
> <urlize>1</urlize>
> </lookindb>
> </part>
> </uriparts>
> 7.26 Partorder element
> Order of the URI parts can be set using this element. It has to hold
> exactly
> 4 subelements part.
> Each of them must contain one value out of these 4:
> • pagepath
> • uriparts
> • valuemaps
> • predefinedparts
> These values refer to elements of the same name and therefore define a
> succession of the parts in
> a URI.
> <xs:element name="partorder">
> <xs:complexType>
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:element name="part" type="xs:token" maxOccurs="4" minOccurs="4" />
> </xs:sequence>
> </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> If this element is not present, the default order is the same as defined by
> the following XML.
> <partorder>
> <part>pagepath</part>
> <part>uriparts</part>
> <part>valuemaps</part>
> <part>predefinedparts</part>
> </partorder>
> 7.27 Paramorder element
> This part has been taken from the Masterthesis Configuration Part. As each
> Point is explaned very well - please read there to get furtherinformations.
> I only copied some codeexamples to give you an idea about the potential and
> the biggest differenes to RealUrl.You will realise that CoolUri will "talk'
> normal language which is mainly explaining themselves. Give it a try!
> It should be possible to define the language part as a staticpart and
> either
> exclude all other parts which are not belonging to this language from the
> URL or direct all calls to your STRICT Language Pages to them:
> If language L=1 is called the direct those requests like this
> domain/Language/rest/of/url
> As You can see on these headers nearly every URL can be designed with it as
> you have a lot of datatypes and possibilities to combine everything
> according to your needs. Read it and for a specificproblem get in contact
> with Jan. He is the one who can tell you immediately if the thing you are
> trying to do will work or not. If you need a fast solution that's what I
> suggest instead of wasting time in reinventing wheels.
> Post a feedback to his extensions.
> Read especially perhaps you will need it too:
> 7.18.1 and 7.23.1
> It must be possible to define Shortcut mode = first *available* subpage in
> the URL. If value is shortcut then look for the first available subpage.
> For right now, I explained in the CoolUri Tutorial only standard uses in a
> very simple way.
> http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dd33gg45_3f8j96p
> I am sorry, but I am sure Jan finds a solution! If so it would be nice to
> have it as an example too in our Tutorial. Thanks
> Andi
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