[TYPO3] Shortcut URL generation is 'wrong'.

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Fri Jun 8 19:09:13 CEST 2007

Hi Ries

As I remember from former days when I was still working with RealUrl, you
can edit each URL in URLManagement Tool.
I do remeber having also shortcut and internal link problems with
templavoila and realUrl. If you are working with Templa Voila check it.

We have banned RealURL and am now using CoolUri not having any problems
since. Here your webmaster could edit any link he want to have and mark it
stickky and your page will show up. And it is very easy to handle just out
of the box. But you will need PHP5! With CoolUri he can create even
fictional links pointing to a real site even with all kind of parameters.

More about it here: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dd33gg45_3f8j96p


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