[TYPO3] if colpos = 3
Bas van der Togt
b.vandertogt at profinit.com
Wed Jun 6 16:44:06 CEST 2007
Hi Joey!
Sorry for my late reaction. The following TS is now working only for
images in the border. But now there are no images rendered at all in the
other columns anymore.
Best regards,
temp.imagesetup < tt_content.image
tt_content.image >
tt_content.image = CASE
tt_content.image {
key.field = colPos
default < temp.imagesetup
1 < temp.imagesetup
1.20.1.file >
1.20.1.file {
import.current = 1
#crop and resize the picture
width = 190c
height = 80c
m.mask {
# Here we create a dynamic mask with the exact same
# dimensions as the actual image, but with rounded corners
XY = [10.w],[10.h]
format = jpg
# Since the "XY" parameter doesn't have stdWrap, we "find"
# the size by simply loading the original image again.
10 = IMAGE
10.file {
import.current = 1
#width.field = imagewidth
width = 190
height = 80
maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW}
maxW.override.data = register:maxImageWidth
maxWInText = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText}
maxWInText.override.data = register:maxImageWidthInText
# Create a white box that fills the entire area
20 = BOX
20.dimensions = 0,0,[10.w],[10.h]
20.color = #FFFFFF
# Add Top-Left corner mask
30 = IMAGE
30.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tl.gif
30.align = l,t
# Add Top-Right corner mask
40 = IMAGE
40.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tr.gif
40.align = r,t
# Add Bottom-Left corner mask
50 = IMAGE
50.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_bl.gif
50.align = l,b
# Add Bottom-Left corner mask
60 = IMAGE
60.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_br.gif
60.align = r,b
70 = BOX
70.dimensions = 0,50,190,15
70.color = green
# The fastest method (recommended) is using a static image, like this:
#m.bgImg = {$imagePath}clear.gif
# But it can also be done dynamically, like this:
m.bgImg {
# Here we create a dynamic bgMask
# Dimensions of this image WILL BE THE SAME AS MASK'S
XY = [5.w],[5.h]
format = jpg
5 < tt_content.image.20.1.file.m.mask.10
10 = BOX
10.dimensions = 0,0,[5.w],[5.h]
10.color = {$bgColor}
20 = TEXT
20 {
text.cObject < tt_content.image.20.1.altText
offset = 15,62
niceText = 1
fontSize= 10
text.case = lower
fontFile = t3lib/fonts/verdana.ttf
fontColor = #000000
#shadow.blur = 60
shadow.opacity = 40
JoH asenau schreef:
>>>> I found the following TS and changed it to my own.
>>>> Now i want to activate this script only in the left column.
>>>> Can somebody help me?
>>>> TS:
>>>> tt_content.image.20.1.file >
>>>> tt_content.image.20.1.file {
>>>> import.current = 1
>>>> #cropt and resized the picture
>>>> width = 190c
>>>> height = 80c
>>> [snip]
>>>> }
>>> Seems to be a job for CASE.
>>> temp.imagesetup < tt_content.image
>>> tt_content.image >
>>> tt_content.image = CASE
>>> tt_content.image {
>>> key.field = colPos
>>> default < temp.imagesetup
>>> 3 < temp.imagesetup
>>> 3.1.file >
>>> 3.1.file {
>>> blah
>>> }
>>> }
>>> something like this should do ...
>> Thanks for your answer Joey!
>> This is not where i'm looking for.
>> I want to activate this TS for the whole left column.
>> Pictures are added from the backend, and not trough TS.
> And what do you think the code I posted does?
> It modifies the tt_content rendering behaviour.
> So when you are using styles.content.getBorder it will use another image
> setup than for the rest of the columns.
> Joey
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