[TYPO3] hacking / file permissions
Andreas Becker
ab.becker at web.de
Wed Jun 6 06:01:14 CEST 2007
Thanks Georg
You are really speaking from our hearts here! I already asked many times in
forums to get a good description in HOW to setup the user:group rights and
permissions in the right way but until now noone really replied so that you
knew what to do.
Dear Ries
It would be really appreciated to post here what the right settings are.
There aren't much possibilities from concerning user:group (especially on
shared servers
We are using the first possibility but we are also having the problems I
described before with accessibility of folders and files i.e. after an TER
update. TYPO3 can read the files but if you need to copy i.e. template files
from an TER updated extension then you first have to contact your hoster to
change this specific extension and all subfolders and files from
nobody:nobody to user:nobody
To set the file permissions to 660 770 we are using the following script:
while true; do
echo "This script will set the T3Pack permissions of several directories
to 770, making them readable, writeable, and executable by anyone else on
this system."
echo -n "Are you sure you want to set the permissions this way (Y/N)? "
read yn
case $yn in
y* | Y* ) chmod -R 770 */typo3conf;
chmod -R 770 */typo3temp;
chmod -R 770 */uploads;
chmod -R 770 */fileadmin;
break ;;
n* | N* ) exit ;;
Thanks Ries and Georg please share your knowlegde or solutions how you
solved the problem
2007/6/6, Patrick Gaumond <patrick at typo3quebec.org>:
> Maybe one solution could be to use this extension:
> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/security_check/0.1.4/
> Maybe some CoreDEV should have a look at it to see if it's the kind of
> addition worth integrating into core...
> In a way it should/could be merged into the install tool...
> What people here think?
> Patrick
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