[TYPO3] Define default values for the backend
hamel at urbansecurity.org
Tue Jul 24 17:05:09 CEST 2007
Yes, I tried but I didn't see the header_layout option. And the problem
is I don't want to disable it but to set "hidden" as the default choice
in the select box.
*James Corell*, thank you very much for your mail, I'll keep trying.
I put this : TCEFORM.tt_content.header_layout.removeItems = 0,1,2,3,4,5
in the page tsconfig, the "hidden" field was the only one in the select
box, that can be a solution, but I'd like to set this only for one group
of backend members, so I tried to put the same in the usergroup tsconfig.
I keep searching
Pascal Cramer a écrit :
> Hi Fred,
> did you try the 'Include Access Lists' of the user or the group?
> In there you can enable or disable loads of options including de
> layout selector under 'Allowed excludefields'.
> Greetz,
> Pascal
> Fred wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'd like to configure my backend so my users don't have to select a
>> header's layout.
>> I know I can hide all the "Header" module, but I'd like the "layout"
>> select field to be "hidden" by default.
>> I'm looking in the TSConfig reference but I don't find how to do this.
>> Any idea ?
>> Thanks by advance.
>> Fred
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