[TYPO3] Problem with domain record
Pawe³ Stanis³awczuk
ps at todesign.pl
Tue Jul 24 09:05:17 CEST 2007
This problem is killing me, everything got back to normal, when I searched
the word, example, the example.com came up as second in google. For two
weeks everything was ok, now google came to my website and domain
example.com again disapeared from google index. I didn't do nothing! What is
the problem? The domain dns are bad? What could be the problem?
Pawe³ Stanis³awczuk
U¿ytkownik "Pawe³ Stanis³awczuk" <taurus76 at wp.pl> napisa³ w wiadomo¶ci
news:mailman.1.1184166745.12661.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi,
> Well, I've decided I would like to have it with www. But, when You search
> example.com, would the google find www.example.com? And then the word
> example (same name as in domain) was positioned to example.com, could this
> be "transfered" to www.example.com?
> Regards,
> Pawe³ Stanis³awczuk
> U¿ytkownik "Jan Bednarik" <info at bednarik.org> napisa³ w wiadomo¶ci
> news:mailman.1.1184158467.15210.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
>>> What do You think about deletion of the domain without www from google
>>> index? How can I get it back?
>> You have to decide wheter you want www or not. You can't have both. Well,
>> you can, but why would you like that? So, if you use non-www variant and
>> want www, then redirect non-www to www. But in some time non-www won't be
>> in the google index just like www isn't now.
>> --
>> Jan Bednarik
>> www.bednarik.org - web about Typo3 in czech
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