[TYPO3] stop rte from blocking invalid links

Sara Weale webmaster at llgc.org.uk
Thu Jul 19 12:54:17 CEST 2007

We've had the same problem and are currently using rtekeep=1 in the html 
source of the page.

A silly question: how do I install a .patch or .diff file?


Rens Admiraal wrote:

>Hi John,
>I've had the same problem with an extension when I created external  
>url's to index.php with extra parameters. I solved this with a patch  
>for bug (bug_2714_v4.diff)

Sara Weale
Rheolwr y We / Web Manager
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
National Library of Wales
SY23 3BU

Ffôn/Phone: 01970 632845
Ebost/Email: webmaster at llgc.org.uk

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