[TYPO3] Templavoila and additional where clause
Dmitry Dulepov
dmitry at typo3.org
Wed Jul 18 09:22:17 CEST 2007
TemplaVoila-related questions should go to TemplaVoila list...
Бойчук Петро wrote:
> I have TYPO3 site in 3 languages. I use templavoila on this site. And I
> have
> a question is it possible to add where clause to content that templavoila
> shows?
> My problem is that i added 1 field to tt_content table named "city".
> Also, I
> use get var "city", and if this 2 values match (or city from GP is in list
> of tt_content's city field ) then I want that content element to be shown,
> else do not show. And if there is no city in tt_content, then show this
> record for all cities.
> I think I can do it with additional where to tt_content table. Or maybe
> there is some other solutions?
You can add TS "if" to DS XML.
Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 freelancer / TYPO3 core team member
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