[TYPO3] mailform problems
Jonathan Addington
madjon at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 16:08:36 CEST 2007
I am using the vanilla form plugin for a contact form but am not receiving
any emails when testing it. The configuration for it is below, I am out of
ideas to troubleshoot it so any tips are greatly appreciated.
| Name=input,20
| Email=input,20
Mailing Address
| MailingAddress=textarea,20,4
Is there something in particular you are interested in?
| Interest=textarea,20,3
What is the best way to reach you?
| BestWayToReach=select,3 | Email, Phone, Regular Mail
| formtype_mail=submit | Submit
| html_enabled=hidden
| subject=hidden | Wellspring Contact
madjon at gmail.com
Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot, qui 'admire. One fool always finds a
bigger fool, who admires him.
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