[TYPO3] entryLevel problem
T. R. Noest
t.noest at noestnet.nl
Thu Jul 12 20:32:55 CEST 2007
Hi Francois,
Thanks for your reaction.
I have seen many posts wich regard this knowledge of the menu-code "where
we are". And this was also my first perception. But I have not seen it
backed up by the documentation, at least not the tsref... and also not
from the experiments I have done sofar. Maybe you can point me to the
right doc?
For what I thought, the entry-level is just a static pointer, telling the
code where to look in the rootline. ( and giving me the freedom to do
stupid things ;-)
At least up-the-rootline works for me that way: a sub-subpage on level 4
gives me the menu exactly as I want: Home from level 0 and subpages from
level 2.
I will do some more experimenting on going-down-the-rootline.
Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, that will work.
regards, Thomas
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 19:12:29 +0200, Francois Suter <fsuter at cobweb.ch>
> Hi,
>> Today I started making the Home page template. It has (technicaly) an
>> identical menu. So I copy/pasted above TS into the home-template.
>> Only the
>> one with entrylevel 0 works as expected. The menu with entrylevel 2
>> gives
>> me nothing!
> You can't show entryLevel 2 on level 0, because you ARE on level 0.
> entryLevel 2 can only start showing on level 1, where level 2
> represents the subpages. If you want to have a menu of some set of
> subpages on your home page, you have to use the "special" property of
> the HMENU, define it as a "directory" and point to the parent page of
> the subpages you want to display.
> François Suter
> Directeur technique
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