[TYPO3] real url - multiple domains

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Tue Jul 10 19:34:56 CEST 2007

Hi Christopher

Don't worry about it if people tell the world that they can reduce their
Problems using another Extension. I only answered on Problems with
RealURL!!! And Please ask yourself WHY people have so much problems with
this extension. This isn't Dimitries fault at all, This started much much

If someone creates an extension he should be interested in INTEGRATING NEW
features - if he/her himself isn't able in doing this i.e. time/money
problem, then their should be a TEAM working together. Instead of what
actually happened with RealURL It is a total mess on extensions doing
similar things, doing other things, doing this but not this, being in
conflict with that and so on. Beside it is, like Dimitry already said - IT
IS AN VERY OLD CODE - OK still working and like Dimitry had the idea -
probably needs to be rebuild - but actually an REBUILD would be totally
stupid as COOLURI is already existing with much more features a veru good
THESIS which describes all its functionallity - A Tutorial describes step by
step how to do it - OK this would be an IDEA!

Why hasn't anyone of all those who are now talking that RealURL is so EASY
and UNDERSTANDABLE (as it isn't it at all) written a step by step Tutorial
to setup a real complete working RealURL setting in 15 Minutes? I know - as
a teacher - that people avoid reading and like more to do try and error, but
even then ask you why with cooluri you only install the extension, Copy the
XML into typo3conf and Put the SAME Lines into your .htacces and it is
working perfectly? WHY?

And best of all, even if you only needed the same amount of time to setup
RealURL (realurl) you'll never get the features you have with cooluri just
after installing.


,htaccess______________________1 min______________________1 min____it is
more or less the same__
inserting code into localconf ___ ___1 min______________________0 min (not
needed) ___________________
copying XML to typo3conf ________ 0 min (not available)__________1
min____coming with example and language settings *(1
inserting setup code _____________1 min _____________________ 1 min ___ it
is more or less the same
1. Rewrite of the URLs: ___________1 min_____________________ 1 min ___

Result: ________________________4 min _____________________ 4 min
OK this is equal! Now have a look to the features and how long you need to
get them working
Installation, Configuration _________2 min _____________________ no more
time as it is already included
Language Improvements
Editing in localconf at the
right place - but where?? _________3 min _____________________  no more time
as it is already included
Multidomain Capabilities
Hmm I never got the right settings _5 min ______________________ no more
time as it is already included (checkbox at install that's it)
Now you wanna use Extensions
for each extension you need at
least 5 minutes to figure out
which code belongs where _______5 min ______________________ first time 5
min afterwards
_________________________________________________________no more time as you
always can reuse your XML-Setting
_________________________________________________________only link to the
Some People like to have
only one URL Level _____ no idea if it is working at all ____________since
Version .10 CoolUri is supporting longURLs, which means you
_________________________________________________________ can have only ONE
Level for all your Pages like:
You like to skip one
pathsegment i.e
instead of home/contact
you want to have
contact only
be a fast reader to figure it out
where to insert the code____ _____5min_______________________1 Minute - you
have to enter a line at always the same place for each
_________________________________________________________part you want to

and now try the more complicated things, If you don't believe it then make a
competition. Let Dimitry set of a complicated setting with RealURL and Jan
with CoolUri. I bet you that Jan will need only 1/4maximum of time as
Dimitry to achieve the same result! Even if Dimitry would have all settings
ready to paste and copy and Jan would have the same - Dimitry would need to
do 3 - 5 or even more times an Installation Process - connecting to TER
downloading Installing and so on while Jan only would install CoolUri ONCE
That's it.

Set up a multidomain setting it would be even more difference and much much
faster solution with CoolUri.
Or try a multi TYPO3 Installation with different sets of other extensions
here Dimitry would need to copy x-times into the localconf.php while Jan
simply would insert the path to ONE XML File on the server for all

OK - You probably still believe that RealURL is faster or whatever! Sorry
but RealURL belongs to history - It has done a very great Job and all my
thanks to the developers especially Dimitry but it is time to prepare a nice
retirement for her. More and more people are moving to PHP5 and those ALL OF
THEM should start right the way with CoolURI.

If a company has to much money or to much time OK then I would be the last
to hold them and tell them don't waste your time or money. If they like it?
But if they afterwards complain, WHY other companies - which use CoolUri
could be faster and much cheaper then hopefully they start to think about

CoolUri is the future and as I said. If Dimitry would concentrate fully on
TemplaVoila and nomore on RealURL and all those long Problem Posts here in
the maillist, and if instead JAN would get into CORE to do all this RealURL
Rewriting Stuff Then WE ALL - the Users, the Developers and our Customers
would really appreciate it, as we all would have more time and more money to
invest in other good things of TYPO3.

EVERYONE - who is still promoting RealURL for PHP5 Sites is in my opinion
like a big big BRAKE for the whole future development of TYPO3! Come on and
start thinking New! Most of you developers probably like to have your newest
Computers up and running with the state of the ART newest Software, so why
are you so afraid of CoolUri and against it and talking about SPAM when
people like CoolURI.

Please Compare how much Posts are in the List a Day about REALURL and how
much about COOLURI.

Sorry but they are always LESSER Posts of CoolURI as i.e. I only answer on
Problems to people which have problems with RealURL.
Then Compare how many people continue Posting after they heard about CoolURI
beside those who answer that they unfortunately are still working with PHP4,
the  you will have nearly nobody - which in my eyes means that they try
cooluri! And if they try it they will stick to it BE SURE! as they will
realise that CoolUri saves THEIR Time!

So please talk about spamming when I promote CoolUri. The Real Spammer
Extensions or the MOST Problemmakers in this list are RealURL and Direct
Mail - check it. If people would use COOLURI and t3m the list would be much
much shorter and people would be much much happier and instead they could
invest much more time in developing new things to make TYPO3 Better and

So BE COOL and watch your URI (UHR-is German - english-watch/clock) It is
Fingers won't get hot Typing RealURL Problems anymore and you will have TIME
- lots of it - don't be afraid!
People with RealURL Problems should get devided in two groups PHP4 and PHP5
and all in PHP5 should get redirected to CoolURI in my personal Opinion!!!

Thanks to Dimitry for his RealURL Support you DID a GREAT JOB!!! and for
those working with PHP4 probably still need some of your help
Thanks to Jan for creating CoolUri - the out of the BOX Working URL-Solution
not only for TYPO3!!! and Your great Support


P.S. Example Cars.
The Ford T Modell was a nice car and sold very very often
Would you still drive in it if money won't matter (OpenSource) and if you
had the chance to get faster and much safer from point a to point? b?

*(1 You only need to create an XML file ONCE for all your TYPO3
Installations and then you only need to LINK to this file!!!. If you give it
to the customer, then simply DELETE all Parts specific to extensions, Have a
look to the Tutorial Example of mm_forum - it is coloured and here you see
how easy things could be deleted from a complete long Xml where you simply
collect all your settings. It has a very clear understandable structure No
Problems with missing ; and }]or else somewhere in nowhere inside the
localconf or even an external realurl file. People are reading with the eyes
and with the first view you will see what is belonging to an Exentension in
coolUri while you are still searching for the right end in your RealURL
settings and probably deleting a ";" to much!
Try to copy RealURL code from books into the setup field - and try to check
it there - it is one of the most awfull tasks you can have!
Using CoolUri you have an EXTERNAL file and even you edit it online you will
see a clear structured xml boxes with beginning and clear end.

2007/7/10, Christopher Torgalson <bedlamhotel at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> On 7/10/07, Dmitry Dulepov <dmitry at typo3.org> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > I really don't know why people always get so angry when other people -
> in
> > > this case me - promote a better solution in their mind, instead of
> getting
> > > stuck in finding solutions which often takes days! Dimitry it is
> nothing
> > > personal against you as you are a great developer like Jan but in my
> > > opinion
> >
> > I see no problem with promoting anything but your message looked like I
> > abandoned realurl support and realurl is a piece of crap comparing to
> > something shining brightly :) It really did.
> Andreas, I agree with Dmitry--there's no problem with promoting new
> extensions and so forth, but the CoolURI posts on this list in the
> last few weeks have had a distinctly spammy taste to me...
> --
> Christopher Torgalson
> http://www.typo3apprentice.com/
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