[TYPO3] Menu - multiline menu item
Rakowski Tomasz
raczek at open.infi.pl
Wed Jul 4 13:55:17 CEST 2007
any ideas my friends?
Rakowski Tomasz pisze:
> hi!
> I already use optionsplit, but I don't know the way to configure TS to
> render those <td> cells simultaneously (td for item, td for background1
> and td for backround2); you must create them in vertical way, whereas
> optionslit and TMENU properties allow creating menu items one by one
> (horizontally)
> here's my example:
> temp.clickpath = COA
> temp.clickpath {
> wrap = <table> | </table>
> 20 = HMENU
> 20 {
> special = rootline
> special.range = 0 | -1
> 1 = TMENU
> 1.wrap = <tr> | </tr>
> 1.NO.allWrap =<td class="dump_box"> </td> <td
> class="navi_box"> |</td> |*| <td class="navi_box">|</td> |*| <td
> class="navi_box_active">| </td> <td> </td>
> }
> }
> thx for help, any other ideas?
> raczek
> Bernd Wilke pisze:
>> Rakowski Tomasz schrieb:
>>> Hello group!!!
>>> I am trying to construct a sitepath, that would look like that:
>>> <table>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td> Item </td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td with some backgroud> </td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td with other background> </td>
>>> </tr>
>>> </table>
>>> So, the idea is to have a multiline menu element - in my case
>>> three-row-item.
>>> I know how to generate traditional item-row (first one), but I have
>>> no idea how simultaneously render the other two rows.
>>> What's more important those two rows cannot be created apart from
>>> menu, because the way they look and behave depends on menu item - if
>>> it is the last menu item backgrounds are different etc.
>>> Do you have any ideas how to do sth like that?
>> What about an optionsplit?
>> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/4.1.0/view/3/1/#id3520928
>> Bernd
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