[TYPO3] RTEs strip <p> tags -- how can we disable this 'feature' ?

Andrew Davis andrew at avagraphique.com
Wed Aug 29 13:42:36 CEST 2007

was there any resolution to this?

I am having a similar problem:

using tinymce, was set to using
force <br /> for line breaks, but the client was having trouble applying 
indent to areas of text without it indenting unintended areas, so we set 
the tinymce to
force <p> for line breaks, but now front end is not rendering the <p> 
tags, seems like this problem mentioned.

any advice? We are goign to try and use <br /> for now, but seems liek 
the problem is a simple one if we just know what to set in backend?


Jason A. Lefkowitz wrote:
> Tyler Kraft wrote:
>> It's supposed to do this, and then it puts them back when it renders 
>> the text on the front end.
> OK, except I'm not seeing them "put back" on the front end.  In other 
> words, the FE page completely lacks the <p> tags.  I'll consult the 
> documentation but this does not sound like the expected behavior you 
> describe, so I'm not sure how helpful the docs will be...
> -- Jason Lefkowitz

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