[TYPO3] how do you obtain the tt_news id, back pid and hash in a URL?

Christopher Torgalson bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 17:35:55 CEST 2007


On 8/27/07, dave typo <typothree at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have included the following typoscript so that links remain when a user
> navigates through pages:
> config.linkVars = L, print
> with this typoscript, I have a link that adds and removes  &print=1 to my
> page. Now this allows a page to swap template objects. The content remains
> the same on the page, regardless of having &print=1 within the URL.
> However, when a user is on a page that has a tt_news single view, we have
> news ids, and back pids, and hash.
> As a result, the link does not obtain the news id, back pid, and hash....
> for example, I can not retain
> &tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1029&tx_ttnews[backPid]=90&cHash=5e1b1ac695
> when switching between templates.
> how can I get links to capture the ttnews relevant data????

See the last two posts in last week's thread "is the print (type=98)
view incompatible with templavoila?"--I posted the complete TS for a
print link that should work with any extension that adds parameters to
the URL.

Christopher Torgalson

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