[TYPO3] Flash Menu published in the online repository

Tom Kropf t3 at tomkropf.de
Sun Aug 26 16:10:38 CEST 2007


I developed a flash menu extension in course of my diploma “dynamic web 
development with typo3 and flash”.

For examples please visit the sites http://www.tomkropf.de, 
http://www.bludo.de and http://www.tomkropf.de/stella

To Download the extension you can choose between the Online Repository 
(search string tom_fmenu) or you can download it under 
http://www.tomkropf.de/index.php?id=5. On www.tomkropf.de you can also 
download a better manual with a nicer layout and more pictures.


The extension contains two content elements. With the first one
you can export your page tree from Typo3 in XML and with the
second one you can adjust your menu in a comfortable way.
Of course you can configure your whole menu with TypoScript

In the source code will be created an alternative menu at the
same time. So you can optimize your site for search engines in
spite of using Flash and also a responding fold out menu will be
displayed if the client has no flash higher or even 8.0 installed in
his browser yet.
The menu can contain two layers of your page tree. That means
you can choose whether the menu will fold out right, up or

The developer can freely configure the background and the font
of the buttons and he can create a normal, a rollover and an
active status for the buttons.
You can choose an animation/effect for the fold out of the menu
and for the rollover effects of the buttons out of a predefined
pool of animation.

Best Regards

Tom Kropf

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