[TYPO3] where is each extension used?

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Thu Aug 23 21:15:13 CEST 2007

> John 'Tux' Nielsen schrieb:
> > grep -il ext_name /path/typo3/sites/*/typo3conf/localconf.php
> in localconf.php you only can see whether an extension is installed.
> each extension existing in .../typo3conf/ext but not mentioned in 
> localconf.php is available but not installed. This you can see also in 
> the extensionmanager view: 'install extension': these extension got 
> another icon than the installed.
> but you don't know whether an extension is installed but not used. I 
> think this was the question of Bing Du.
> and this can be a very delicate question. You can use an extension in 
> very differnt ways.
> * just include as library for other extensions
> * FE-plugin
> * BE-plugin
> * just database enhancement
>      :
> (see kickstarter for some more options)
> with FE-plugins you have a chance (not 100%!)
> if you look in the object-browser you can search for the extension-key 
> (press search-button twice!)
> if the extensionkey appears the extension is configured to be used. it 
> may be not used anyway.
> another approach: have a look in the table tt_content and select all 
> records containing a value in the field plugin.
> deselect hidden and deleted records and you know about some extensions 
> which are realy used. (here you see the plugin-name not the extension key)
> that's all like: try to deinstall the extension and look whether your 
> page continue running. (trial and error)
> Bernd

Your got me right, Bernd.  I wanted to know on which page each extension is
inserted as plugin.  I thought it might be helpful if the extension manager can
have an extra column for each locally installed extension show their number
references, and if you click the number, you'll get more details, like page ID,


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