[TYPO3] acronyms screw up

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Wed Aug 15 22:25:00 CEST 2007


Typo3 4.0.6

We created a two-column table to show our staff directory.  The first
column has staff's photo and the second column has staff's other
information (e.g. name, unit, title, phone, e-mail, etc.).  'Insert/modify
acronym or abbreviation' was used on 'unit'.  That worked fine.  But
later, whenever we changed the content in the table, like adding new
staff, modify existing or deleting staff, all the acronyms were just
screwed up.  The unit showed up as '<acronym title="some department">some
department</acronym>' on the web page. And the page source has:

&lt;acronym title=&quot;some department&quot;&gt;some

But acronyms still looked right on the back end.  Every time when it
happened, we had to redo all the acronyms.

When it worked right, the page source should be '<abbr title="some
department">some department</abbr>' and the web page should have 'some
department' as unit.

Any idea what might have caused the problem?

Thanks much in advance for any help,


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