[TYPO3] Newspaper looking for a CMS
ries van Twisk
typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Fri Aug 3 19:42:23 CEST 2007
On Aug 3, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Christopher Torgalson wrote:
> Hi,
> On 8/3/07, Osipov Dan <dosipov at phillyburbs.com> wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> We were really hoping to have a PHP based product. That's why Typo3
>> looked so promising.
>> Maintenance is an important factor, as we are having problems with
>> importing articles under our current CMS. So, thanks for this
>> warning.
>> Does anyone know a good PHP CMS that would do? We've looked at
>> Drupal,
>> but its such a memory hog, that we don't have the hardware to support
>> the system.
if system resources is an issue then don't use TYPO3.
In fact, if you currently already have restrictions on the hardware
you can use
then simply blow off the complete project.
HW is cheap compared to any hourly rate and what you normally would gain
with heaving a website.
> I don't know what language the core runs on, but I know that Bricolage
> (bricolage.cc) is used by online newspapers (including some fairly
> high-traffic sites such as salon.com I believe). Among other things,
> it's apparently capable of publishing static pages to remote servers.
> --
> Christopher Torgalson
> http://www.typo3apprentice.com/
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