[TYPO3] Add configuration field in fe plugin
Juan Madurga
panchetemadurga at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 30 18:16:02 CEST 2007
Im extending an extension and i want to add a new configuration field not
store in the DB.
I have written in ext_tables.php this:
$tempColumns2 = Array (
"tx_extensionextend_owners" => Array (
"exclude" => 0,
"label" =>
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"foreign_table" => "fe_groups",
"foreign_table_where" => "ORDER BY fe_groups.uid",
"size" => 5,
"minitems" => 0,
"maxitems" => 100,
Doesnt work.I have debugged and i only have the [data] varibles of the
original extension- Whats the problem? I also have tried with flexforms but
the same result, nothing.
Please Help me
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