[TYPO3] how to upgrade system extension rtehtmlarea? (urgent)

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Wed Apr 18 19:45:58 CEST 2007

> Bing Du kirjoitti:
>>> Hi,
>>> Typo3 4.0.6.
>>> rtehtmlarea 1.3.9 (system)
>>> I'm trying to upgrade rtehtmlarea to the latest version 1.4.4.  1.4.2
>>> is
>>> the latest version of rtehtmlarea in TER.  I downloaded the 1.4.4
>>> rtehtmlarea t3x file from typo3.org.  But in the extension manager,
>>> there
>>> are only two options  for uploading, one is upload to typo3/ext as
>>> global
>>> ext and the other one is upload to typo3conf/ext as local.  How should
>>> I
>>> overwrite the rtehtmlarea in typo3/sysext with the new version?
>>> Thanks in advance for any help,
>>> Bing
>>> _______________________________________________
>> Can I install it as local and then manually move the whole rtehtmlarea
>> directory to typo3/sysext?
>> Bing
> change configurations using the install tool
> and you can update system plugins.

What should I change in the install tool?  I uploaded rtehtmlarea.t3x in
the typo3conf/ext and manually moved to the typo3/sysext directory.  Now
all the sites are blank.  And also the backend is blank too.  I put the
rtehtmlarea 1.3.9 back I saved before I put rtehtmlarea 1.4.4, but to
noavail.  Should I clear some cache?   Please advise.  Appreciate any


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