[TYPO3] CAL Extension - Problems with RTE
Christian Hensel
christian.hensel at gmx.net
Sat Apr 14 16:07:50 CEST 2007
Hi Florian,
is it possible that your htmlarearte version 1.4.x?
if you just updated you have to used the system extension htmlarearte which
is 1.5..x
then everything will work quite fine.
"Florian Elischer" <Starlort at gmx.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.142038.1176473092.21067.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi,
> I just installed the latest version of CAL. I'm using
> TYPO3 4.1.1. When I add a new event, I can fill out
> all fields except the "description" field which is
> using the RTE. It just shows "please wait..." but
> nothing happens. This has apparently nothing to do
> with the former FireFox problem not loading the RTE.
> No matter if I use FF, IE6 or 7, no RTE is showing
> up. Any ideas?
> thanks
> Florian
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